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Updated: Feb 25, 2021

We have been digesting all of the latest guidance around the 'Road Map out of Lockdown' and have set out a plan on how and when we will be able to start delivering activities, training and courses again!

Here are our interpretations on the current guidance issued on the 22nd February 2021:

STEP 1 - Monday 08th March 2021

Schools Re-Open - What does that mean for us?

Page 28 (Para 87). Under-18 sport can take place at school as part of educational provision, or as part of wraparound care, but should not otherwise take place at this time.

So - Not a lot to start with!

1 to 1 sessions such as navigation training and refreshers can still continue with the appropriate social distancing. This can now include the addition of a picnic and flask of tea!

STEP 1 - Monday 29th March 2021

This is the game changing date for us!

Page 30 (Para 102). Formally organised outdoor sports – for adults and under 18s - can also restart and will not be subject to the gatherings limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies.

Page 47 - Business and Activities - 29 March - Organised Outdoor Sport / Outdoor Sport and Leisure Facilities / All Outdoor Children's Activities

This means that we can start running non residential courses again such as staff development, Lowland Leader and PaddleSport Leader along with non residential DofE Expeditions and Residentials!

We can also meet socially outside in groups of up to 6 maintaining appropriate social distancing!

STEP 2 - Monday 12th April 2021

Page 34 (Para 110). Additional premises will be able to reopen but should only be visited alone or with household groups: non-essential retail; personal care premises such as hairdressers, salons and close contact services; and indoor leisure facilities such as gyms and spas (but not including saunas and steam rooms, which are due to open at Step 3).

This 'may possibly' mean that we can start running awards such as Climbing Wall Instructor, however we are waiting for further guidance on this so watch this space and keep an eye on the 'Courses' page!

STEP 3 - Monday 17th May 2021

Page 37 (Para 120). Remaining accommodation, such as hotels, hostels and B&Bs.

This means that we will be able to start delivering residential courses again taking us back to fully operational status! These will include school residentials, courses such as Mountain Leader and DofE Expeditions and Residentials that include the overnight element.

STEP 4 - Monday 21st June 2021

Page 39 (Para 127(a)). With appropriate mitigations in place, by Step 4, the Government aims to: a. Remove all legal limits on social contact, publishing accompanying guidance on how best to reduce the risk of transmission and protect ourselves and loved ones.

This may mean that we can start looking at Overseas Expeditions again! Woohoo!!


If you fancy reading the full 68 page HM Government document titled 'COVID-19 RESPONSE - SPRING 2021' (Pages 43 and 44 give a brief overview of Steps 1 - 4), you can do so by following the PDF link below:




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